Living The Dream: 24 Year Old Best-Selling Author

Living The Dream

You must of heard of Savannah, best-selling author of "Sihpromatum - I Grew My Boobs in China”. How did this 24 year old traveller start Living The Dream?

Savannah Grace

What was the first country you visited? Who with and why did you choose it?

The first country I ever visited was the United States, but I am half American and have been going down there since I was a baby. We would go as a family on extended camping trips since I was very young. 

Bungee jumping, facing fears in South Africa .jpg 

When did you start a travel lifestyle? What inspired that change?

Ironically, I never chose a travel lifestyle, but it has become very much part of who I am. When I was fourteen my parents split (after 25 years of marriage) , and to make tough times harder, my mom decided completely out of the blue (though, no doubt instigated by the separation) to sell everything and go backpacking for a year with my two siblings and me. I was absolutely devastated by the news and couldn’t believe it was happening to me. 

The family journey ended up lasting for a surprising four years, and took us through nearly 80 countries. 

Ancient pyramids in Sudan.jpg

Do you have a base you travel from? Or is it continuous travel? And why do you choose that style?

After years on the road with the family, I fell in love with a Dutch man, and have since been living in Holland for the past 5.5 years. Nowadays my boyfriend and I travel as much as we can, four or five times a year. Europe is a fantastic base for travel. I have now seen every European country except for 6. There’s an endless amount of culture, languages, foods, architecture, history etc. to discover in Europe alone!

How do you fund your travel lifestyle? Is it something you do when travelling or are you a saver?

When I was fourteen, I didn’t need to think about funds, though we did travel on an extreme, highly uncomfortably, tight budget. Nowadays, my boyfriend and I choose to travel with a bit more “style” as we aren’t as pressured to pinch our pennies on few weeks trips vs trying to make the money last for years at a time.

I also have two best-selling books:

Sihpromatum - I Grew my Boobs in China
Sihpromatum - Backpacks and Bra Straps


If you could tell yourself one tip before you started your travel lifestyle, what would it be?

Don’t fret!!!! Enjoy every single minute because everything always seems to work out. Things happen for a reason, enjoy the moment and ignore the past and the future.

What does 'Living The Dream' mean to you?

Living the dream is everything to me. The world is full of possibilities and to settle for something less than your dream would be such a shame. I believe people need to pursue their dreams, and don’t let anyone stop you. There will be major hardships and obstacles in order to achieve the dream, but never give up. At the end of the day your dream=happiness and the rest isn’t so important. 

You can find Savannah here -

Website: Sihpromatum

Twitter:  @sihpromatum

24 year old, Canadian, Savannah Grace, is the best-selling author of “Sihpromatum - I Grew My Boobs in China”.

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