Who Are We?

Josh Bender, Travel Blogger

G’day! I’m the brains behind the operation. With over 26 years of experience in web development and 22 years in Internet Marketing, I do know a thing or two about websites. So that has certainly helped make the TravelWithBender.com website stand out from the array of other travel blogs you may have read.

Standing at 6’9” (205cm), I’m slightly taller than the average bloke, but people who know me would say I’m a gentle giant (except when I’m on the basketball court).

A nerd at heart, I’ve always been fascinated with technology. From gadgets to software and even communications, it captures my imagination. Chances are you’ll probably find photos of me on this blog wearing a technology-inspired t-shirt.

With a strong entrepreneurial bent, I’m always thinking creatively and analytically. You won’t find me wasting time. I have very little patience with TV or games. I love to learn about everything, in particular, understanding what makes people tick and the factors that mould them - culture, religion, philosophy, politics, economics, genetics, and environment. It helps me to better understand myself as well as make meaningful connections. And secondly, what makes this world tick. From geology to history to astronomy to biology, I find it all captivating.

I thoroughly enjoy photography and in particular, landscapes. I’d like to think my photography has been getting better the longer I travel, and it also helps that I upgraded my camera a couple of times. I’m always pushing myself forward trying new techniques, finding new inspirations, honing post-production skills, and developing my artistic eye.

In line with my passion for photography, I find inspiration from all forms of design: graphic design, industrial design, architecture, interior design, and fine crafts.

That dovetails with my keen delight in the culinary arts, and probably explains why a healthy slice of my social posts are dedicated to perfection on a plate. We are what we eat. So there’s something deeply meaningful about understanding the produce, preparation, techniques, and inspiration that goes into each dish we enjoy. The combination of flavours, history, and culture merge into a moment of dining delight. There are few things better than that.

Where Next?

Check out my favourite photos from: 202220212020201920182017.

Have a read of my latest blog posts and product reviews.

Got a question? Feel free to send a message.

Reader Comments...

"I respond to every comment by direct private email. I look forward to your feedback" -

Nice. Look forward to following your journey. Looks like you guys have a wonderful family!

Brooks Apr 19th, 2013

Wow! Interesting story! Lovely family! What sort of business is Josh running?

Ruth May 6th, 2013

Wow what a fantastic idea to travel the world

Danielle Jun 21st, 2013

As we follow Families which are doing RTW via the web.. dreamimg to do so one day..
I was surprised to find you in Israel right now,
We family of couple + 3 kids 4,6,7 ages. living in Kibbuts up up north of Israel.
We would love to have you here. wish to show you the beutiful places,cool small rivers,mountains and more.
if it sounds good for you -please conatct.
Iris Schuster

Iris Schuster Jul 16th, 2013

After following your Facebook posts for so long it was finally nice to have the time to read all about where and your inspiring little family started out.

We share a similar story but I made the mistake of thinking our travelling days had to end when our gorgeous girls came along. Feeling inspired - off to the drawing board!

Nicola Aug 16th, 2013

Really a nice family wish I was as brave as u and travel around the world.

JoAnn wood Sep 30th, 2013

What a lovely family you have! I'm sad to say I just found your blog recently, as you are heading "home," but I look forward to reading past posts. We are a couple in our late 40's/early 50's, from the U.S., with 2 teenagers left in the house, and are planning to start our lives abroad in a couple of years. (We're not putting it off using excuses- just have responsibilities we can't get out of yet!) We've loved traveling as much as we could over the years- I also have some great friends who hail from Perth!! I had the pleasure of staying with them for a couple of months when I was in college.
Your post about all of the feelings swirling around as you return to Australia was very heartfelt, and must be so true. I wish you the best!
Take care,

Sarah Glashagel Nov 23rd, 2013

great blog and photos. Can you tell me what sort of camera you used please?

Vicki Dec 26th, 2013

Very inspiring !

Hope to follow your beautifully captured journeys often and would love to catch up sometime...

[email protected]

VJ Sharma Jan 4th, 2014

Glad to see theearly days where my entrepeneur skills got passed on to you Josh
good luck to you and your family,. Nice story!

peter davis Jan 23rd, 2014

Thanks everyone. We love hearing from you. I have replied to everyone privately.

Erin Jan 23rd, 2014

Lovely blog guys! Keep up the great work and travel safe! Oh… and all the best in the New Year! :)

Hitch-Hikers Handbook Jan 25th, 2014

What an adventure,I have a free app that I would like to find out if it works out side of Australia.
If this is possible could you try this for me and email me with the good and bad.
Looking forward to your blogs.
Cheers Gary

Gary Darcy Feb 16th, 2014

I look so forward to reading about your travel to lovely and interesting places with your beautiful family.

Pamela Koefoed Mar 29th, 2014

I went back to your page and read some more and discovered that you invited readers to share their blog with you. Thank you. My husband and I are driving across six states to meet our first grandchild and will stop frequently along the way to take in fascinating sites, national parks, and we'll stay over night in beautiful places. We're blogging our adventure and will include our five cents worth--reviews. If you're interested in the southwestern United States, you can find us at my author website, http://pamelakoefoed.com. Happy Trails. Blessings to you~ Pamela

Pamela Koefoed Mar 29th, 2014

What a happy, adventurous family you are. Love that you are living the dream. I blog at http://www.maidinaustralia.com We do a lot of travelling, but not as much as you!

Bronnie - Maid In Australia Apr 25th, 2014

Your blog is very inspiring to us! We are a family of 3 from the uk, Our son will be 18 months When we start travelling which Is in July. First stop Florida how exciting! Please check our blog out ( think it links to Facebook at the moment) www.travellingwiththecooks.com we are also on Instagram as @travellingwiththecooks :)

Fiona Cunningham May 13th, 2014

This makes me miss you more

Karin May 20th, 2014

Please note that I do respond to every comment on our blog by private email. So please leave me comments, I love chatting to you - Erin.

Erin May 20th, 2014

My favourite and the best travelling family out there!

Rhiannon May 20th, 2014

Hi guys, just found your article on Tikal and started reading some more of your posts. Really, really nice!
Keep up the good work and what a lovely family you are.

All the best,
Renate from thatwanderlust.com

Renate Rigters Jun 16th, 2014

Wow, I am so excited for your family. What a wonderful way to live. I also love travel and have been moving around Australia but next year it is overseas. I am so happy to follow your progress. I also have an online home business and I just love the freedom that it gives me.

Susan Hinds Jun 23rd, 2014

Hi guys, I just found your blog today and have spent hours going through the archives! Very inspiring as myself and my husband travel with my 2 year old - your archives have given me so many great ideas for our next trip...I dabble in photography and am looking to update my camera, your photos are just so amazing, I was wondering what camera you use?

Marisa Jul 27th, 2014

Hi! I heard you talking about "Travel with Bender" while we (yes, "we", because I was just a seat behind you :)) were going from London to Brussels with the Eurostar, just a few days ago. It sounded so interesting so I had to look it up, and here I am.
I am jealous. I really want to see the rest of the world, and now that I found this thing called House Sitting, it'll probably be a little cheaper for me.
I'm going to continue reading your blog from now on, and hopefully I'm doing the same thing soon!

Bianca Jul 30th, 2014

Thanks for tweet! Bravo Bender Family and all the travel, adventure. Differently managed - but travel a part of the life of my wife and myself - from 45 years ago. It's a kind of virus (good kind) - once in the blood - the need to travel never dies down. My first travel was to NZ - then Fiji - then Europe! Asia, (USSR) - living in the UK/Spain/Germany) across to North America - many years in Japan. House-sitting for friends so far in south-east OZ gives me the chance to explore/re-connect with old friends/past lives - and explore/re-explore those places. Above all has been the chance to be amazed by the human capacity for cultural richness and variety/diversity - yet, withal - wherever we go - to uncover with others of difference our essential humanity - love of family/place - desire for peace/good education/friendship! !Buen viaje!

Jim KABLE Aug 3rd, 2014

Hi guys, we recently left Melbourne with our 2 young boys and have relocated to Ireland for a while, in search of adventure! I am working 3 days a week while my husband, Jake stays home with the boys, aged 2.5 & 6 months, on my 4 days off a week we go exploring Ireland or jump on a plane to anywhere in Europe. Look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

Natasha Laurie Oct 5th, 2014

Your blog is AWESOME! We only have one little one now but I could see my family doing the same thing... traveling the world. So thanks for this inspirational blog!
Brittany @ www.BrittanyJefferson.com

Brittany Nov 3rd, 2014

So glad I stumbled upon you guys! I love your "bios" and look forward to getting to know you better through your site! So inspiring. I am currently on a year long trip with my boyfriend and am getting to the point in my life where I'd like to start a family. I love seeing examples of taking kids with you and how it's done. Way to go!! :)

Anne Nov 6th, 2014

Hi, I came across your blog by chance. We have 3 kids and left Melbourne 13 Dec 2014 to travel for a year and do distance education with our kids (ages 15,13 and 7). We went to Fantasia today...If you are ever back in Bangkok, we walked to Pratunam Pier (near Centre World) and then took the khlong (canal) boat all the way to Bang Kapi Mall for 19 Baht each and not paying for our youngest. brilliant ride with the locals AND A SUPERB AFTERNOON OF FUN at the water park. Also reluctant to advertise it too much as despite it being New Years Day, there were not really queues for the slides and just enough people to make it festive.I gather you are still on your travels....maybe our paths will cross...our teenagers think we are a nuts to take them travelling but we are sure they'll think differently in hindsight. [email protected]

helen Jan 1st, 2015

Hello Bender Family - thank you for your beautiful, fun and transparent sharing. I am a recently single mom of two little girls and have always been a travel-lover. I want to use this shift in our lives to life more fully, more profoundly and more globally - sharing in the joys of exploring the world with my kids. I have been working on a local un-schooling community here in North Carolina but have recently decided to really go for my bigger (scarier) dream of creating a traveling world-school on a sailing ship....so I'm looking to learn a lot, connect with others all over the globe and collect resources to connect with while traveling by sea. Looking forward to sharing more with you all :)

Robyn Paulete Jan 5th, 2015

Thanks everyone. I hope you all received my personal messages to you. I love hearing all your stories and reading new blogs, so keep commenting. As for the camera, Josh is currently using Canon EOS70D - there is more about that in our Resources section. Stay in touch!

admin Feb 23rd, 2015

Wow! You guys are on quite an adventure!! We love travel and in addition to our family adventures we often follow hubby when he travels with work.
My own blog www.theeducationaltourist and the ebooks for kids I write came out of trying to make sure the adventures were educational and memorable for the kids as well!
Love reading your blog!
Natalie, The Educational Tourist

The Educational Tourist May 5th, 2015

it really nice blog thanks alot for your information ....wish you and your family happy alwayssss

moo Jul 10th, 2015

Hello Erin and family;
We too are a family that loves travelling, blogging and we are from Perth!!
Really have to catch up.
Prunella and family

Sabretoothed Chickens Jul 30th, 2015

Hi there, Gill my wife only just found your blog tonight when she was searching the Internet for some info. I have just spent the last hour or so looking at some of the places you have visited. The places I read about that you have gone so far are truly amazing. We have now been on the road off and on for the last 4 years and have an Internet based business that we can operate from anywhere as well. Currently we are travelling the East Coast of the USA moving on next year to central USA. Your right it's a fantastic lifestyle and one that we would find difficult to not imagine ourselves doing. There certainly are a number of years difference between yours and our ages but we admire what your doing. Peter & Gill

Peter Hosie Sep 2nd, 2015

Wow, this site has totally blown me away. I know Josh as JB from his work in web development but had no idea he was also doing this.
I am super impressed with what you guys are doing, I have a seven year old and I know a bit about travel with kids but you guys are the masters.
I am going to be following all your exploits on your blog now and see what I can learn from your experiences.
My wife and I moved from London to a very sleepy part of Spain and we have a fantastic life on the beach combining bringing up our daughter with our web work but what you guys do is totally amazing.
Respect to all 4 of you and happy travelling, life is after all for living :)
Alex (madeforspace in case JB remembers me)

Alex Hutchinson Dec 4th, 2015

Love your 12 day Ireland road trip, so informative and inspirational. Im adding Ireland to my travel bucket list for 2016 and an upcoming blog post and wanted to ask if I could use one of your amazing photos and link back to your blog so that my readers could see where I got my inspiration? Please let me know. Many thanks for your consideration

Sue Dec 27th, 2015

Hi Erin, love your blog! I came across it after looking for info on traveling to Tikal with kids. My husband and I are planning to go with our 2 year old this June. Did you have any safety concerns when you were traveling into Guatemala? Also, how were the mosquitoes/other insects there? We're thinking of starting our trip in Tikal (not sure yet if we're going to fly in to Belize City or Guatemala City and go from there) and then we're planning to go into Mexico to see Palenque and finally travel into the Oaxaca region. Any other tips you have for this kind of trip with a toddler are appreciated. Thank you!

Erica DeCorla-Souza Jan 18th, 2016

I found your pinterest page on The Ultimate Irish Road Trip Guide: How to see Ireland in Twelve Days. My husband and I are looking into a similar trip for just the two of us. I really appreciate how you laid out your trip day by day and include tolls and accommodations. It seems like just the vacation we are looking for. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing your total trip budget? We are working on laying out a complete budget for our Ireland Trip and haven't found an itinerary that we are in love with. When I found yours, I was very excited but am wondering if it's in the ballpark for what we are looking to spend. Thank you so much for posting and hope to hear back from you!
Ali Donalson

Ali Donalson Apr 16th, 2016

I have just found your blog and love it. My husband and I travelled before the children came along and other commitments meant we haven't done any for years. The husband is working in Bulgaria at the moment so we are hoping to join him. I am nervous about travelling with two children on my own though (ages 4 and 6) especially as they don't like lots of people and like routine and need their sleep. Any advice to make this easier for me. You are inspiring.

Sue L. May 8th, 2016

Hi Erin, your blog is my precious reference :) Since I'm arranging trip for my big family to Lombok & Bali next July, and a little quite dizzy as we travel with complex ages. From my '73yr-old' father until my '3yr-old' daughter. It was fun in process finding a right place to go for kids yet not make the older ones tired. I hope I could resume our journey like you and make it a memorable journey. Nice to know your blog Erin! God Bless...

Ira Jun 13th, 2016

Like your blog.

Janice L. Jul 21st, 2016

Oh my golly gosh I'm so happy to have found your blog Erin & Josh! So awesome to see another Aussie travel open ended WITH KIDS!!!

I'm a single mum of an awesome 10yrs old and we're in the final stages of planning our big open-ended adventure... Due to head off July 2017... although were doing 6wks in Chiang Mai and Cambodia over Christmas :)

Little Miss 10 and I have travel heaps since she was 6 but alway only for 4-6wks at a time because of school.... But it's time to put our big girl pants on and so it for reals!!!! Starting with either Chiang Mai, Ubud or Hoi An.... Still haven't decided.

So I have a few questions for you...
- I know your kids are younger than Perry and you don't "formally" school... But how do you see them getting them getting the require mainstream qualification eg high school certificate etc?

- do you ever join local homeschool groups or attend local schools part time?

Thanks so much for your time,

Frankie Oct 15th, 2016

Hi Erin
i love reading your blog, article and family travel.Proud and Brave family travel around the world.
May i know, is it possible to use iPhone Apple 6splus or 7plus in winter? And taking pictures? im from Asia country Singapore. Very impressed and excited to travel to Finland after seeing your video to Roviami Safari taking husky rides. Which month was that? This will be our first trip for that kind activities.
i wish success on all your journey.

Suriati Jan 18th, 2017

Thank you for the photo review of the LG4 As professional photog the reality moving to Smartphones is vital. Yes definitely LG4 showing by the next couple years DSLR would be on the verge.
Personally by the next few months will get ride of 50% of what I own. BTW last month I shoot w Moto X Pure a small food project ...the results was amazing. Josh , God bless you all!

Harry Feb 22nd, 2017

I've been going through your article from time to time, really interesting to go through your travel diaries. I would love to see you come to our country Nepal as well. Cheers guys and keep travelling.

Sameer Apr 19th, 2017

Hello, we are a family of 4 travelling from Melbourne to Bangkok in Sept. We love staying and visiting less touristy places.
I am keen to take the kids to Fantasia waterpark in Bangkok and was wondering where you stayed? I know it a bit out of the city centre which I don't mind at all.
We are going to hire a car and head south past Hua Hin for around 6 nights after Bangkok. We loved San Roi Rod (Dolphin bay area) excellent super cheap hotel with small waterside called Dolphin resort. $50 including breakfast for all of us. It was wonderful because all the children in the pool seemed to play together which doesn't seem to happen when we stay at 5 star resorts.
We love to travel. I'm off for a month to Ubud Bali with our 2 year old later this month.
Have fun in Australia.

Taylor Theggie May 1st, 2017

Erin, Josh, Mia, Caius - What a story and what a life, Stay blessed and keep finding yourselves every other day!
While we arent quite as well traveled as you guys (yet!).. .we definitely appreciate what a blessing travelling with the family is...the stories, the experiences, the bonding ...the mind escapes.
Keep going...never stop!
The Sanyals from India.

Soumik Sanyal Nov 14th, 2017

Lovely story and inspiration, it is so good to see other people's experiences from around the world, keep up all the good work

Dave Sep 27th, 2018

Nice blog. Your doing three things I love. Travel, photography and history. I also enjoy meeting people. Age and health have slowed me way down so I’ll enjoy your site. At 66 the volcano in Hawaii destroyed not only one of my homes but half my photos and my photo diary. Please have as great a time as we have learning the world around us.

1Poodle Lover Nov 19th, 2018

[email protected]
I keep this on my system so I can be reminded of my travels and the people I’ve met. Keep going and informing us of your finds. I enjoy it very much and when relapsing I travel through you. Thank you so much for that?

Susan M. Diamond Feb 5th, 2019

Hi, I am looking for a very interesting, amazing and funny vacation for two kids (between 9 and 12 years old) in Vienna (Austria.
Could help me, can give me some tips?

tomy May 12th, 2019

Looking for travel info and stumbled onto yours. It’s so wonderful to be able to travel and see this beautiful world. Hope I can learn to do that too. I will continue to look out for your blogs

Jo May 24th, 2019

Hi Josh and Jacinta whereever you are it was so nice for an old lady like me to meet such an inspiring young couple . Crete was a delightful place and it was somewhere I wanted to see for many years. My Dad fought in Greece, Crete and the desert campaign before being invalided back to New Zealand on the Dutch hospital ship "Oranjie"..I look forward to following your travels on this blog. Take care Regards Ann

Ann Barakat NZ Jun 15th, 2019

Hi there! I’m currently planning my honeymoon to Hua Hin and just read your post about how much you love it. I’d appreciate any tips or suggestions while I’m there!

Nicole Jul 3rd, 2019

I am looking for a bachelor trip in Spain. I want to travel the whole world. I am following your website since a long time. all information is very good.

WSNE Consulting Aug 31st, 2019

HI Josh, read your cycling trip in Bali..the way you wrote sounds good to do it on my own. Any suggestion if to ride on my own? will it be dangerous to do it solo? You did mention the price you get is far cheaper the published rate. Mind to share the contact of the tour operator? Cheers Jeannie

Jeannie Jan 22nd, 2020

saw your article on what to eat in Israel . loved it ! I want everything you mentioned . Where can I get it ? I will be in Tel aviv for lunch and Jerusalem and Haifa for dinner . I will be on a cruise ship so I have limited time. thx ! Also a restaurant recommendation in Malta for lunch if you have one .

marion Feb 20th, 2020

Hi Josh! I was inspired inspired 2 years ago to leave my well posting job and travel the world with my young family. I've started learning web development. Do you have any directional tips, business advice for someone in my position? Unfortunately my last job's skills don't transfer well to location independent living so I believe this is the path for me.

Tom Feb 28th, 2020

Wow! nice article.

Fitch Mar 6th, 2020

I want to take a family vacation this summer so thanks for sharing this. I like your point about involving the kids in the planning and getting their input for activities. I’ll be sure to sit down with them and show them pictures

James Mar 6th, 2020

Hello, I check your blog on a regular basis. Your story-telling style
is witty, keep up the good work!

모바일카지노 Sep 2nd, 2020

Good one

ansel Nov 28th, 2022

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