Living The Dream: Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

Living The Dream

Who's this?

Mary and her family were great influencers in our first months of travel and we were super excited to meet them in Penang. Not only meet them, but spend two months with them, exploring and just hanging out. I love how Mary and her family are Living The Dream.


What is the first country you visited? Who with and why did you choose it?

We traveled for years even before having kids. When I was 18 I went to Bermuda and Mexico, then at 22 I traveled for 3 months in Europe visiting nearly every Western European city. It taught me to be humble and it showed me that ultimately travel was something I wanted for my kids and not something I wanted to wait to continue doing. Our first country after we left the US was Costa Rica, where we stayed put for a little while and explored the neighboring countries. It was myself, my husband and our 2 sons, after 1 year we had our 3rd son there in Costa Rica. We chose it for a lot of reasons but primarily because we knew it was a stable country, had no army, great healthcare, and was close to the US, making trips back and forth easier. We also loved that the kids would learn a new language and culture.

When did you start a travel lifestyle? What inspired that change?

We started out 7 years ago and really what precipitated it was just a displeasure in the way we were living, too many things and not enough experience. We wanted our kids to see the difference between what they needed and what they wanted and felt staying in CT would make that very hard to do. After 5 years in Central America we left for a more nomadic life, that was 2 years ago.  

Do you have a base you travel from? Or is it continuous travel? And why do you choose that style?

We travel constantly with no home base at the moment but we are actively searching for that spot to settle down a bit and travel a little every year. With the boys getting older having a little more permanent community is starting to sound really good, but I do not want to give up travel, so we'll need to find a middle ground. Best of both worlds so to speak!  

How do you fund your travel lifestyle? Is it something you do when travelling or are you a saver?

We fund our travels through various internet ventures. We both work while we travel but since we work for ourselves it is very flexible.  

If you could tell yourself one tip before you started your travel lifestyle, what would it be?

I think the one thing I would tell myself before this all started is simply not to sweat the small stuff.

Pretty much everything is small stuff when you look back in it so I wish I didn't worry so much in the beginning.  It holds you back and often times lessens the entire experience. Let things go, relax, and enjoy every moment, good and bad!

What does 'Living The Dream' mean to you?   

Living the dream means just that, living your life doing whatever it is that feels like a dream to you. It will be different for everyone but for us it is living life on our own terms, doing what we love and showing our children that whatever they want is within their reach. So many people seem to feel that their dreams are only that and can never actually be fulfilled. If you start out feeling that way they never will be fulfilled. Know what your dreams are and take steps to move towards them each and every day. We are just average people so I know if we can live our dreams anyone can.


Dylan (14 years old)

What was the first country you visited? Who with and why did you choose it?

I traveled with my parents around the US for years but the first country we went to was Costa Rica where we lived for a few years. I went with my parents and my younger brother and then my baby brother was born while we lived there. Since I was only 7 when we went my parents chose it, I don't remember having too much say about it.

When did you start a travel lifestyle? What inspired that change?

My parents always traveled around the state we lived in and around the US, my mom just loves it. She is more alive I think when she is in constant motion. My parents sparked the travel lifestyle and it was not until we got to Asia that I really felt it take over in me as well. I learn so much and experience things I never would have had we stayed in CT.

Do you have a base you travel from? Or is it continuous travel? And why do you choose that style?

We are sort of in the middle of deciding that now but we are more continuous slow travel. The first year in Asia was fast, too fast I think in some ways but now we do 4 months or so in each place and we all like that better.  Well not my mom but the rest of us anyway. We can put roots down, unpack our crap, and feel a little more settled this way. Not sure what the next 6 months will bring, we are not great at deciding things!

How do you fund your travel lifestyle? Is it something you do when travelling or are you a saver?

The funding is the easy part, my parents cover it all :) My dad works a lot even while we travel and my mom works a little but she doesn't let that interfere with us discovering something new...EVER!

If you could tell yourself one tip before you started your travel lifestyle, what would it be?

Always carry your own toilet paper! Try not to be a whimp about stuff, go with the flow and everything will be fine!

What does 'Living The Dream' mean to you?

Doing exactly what we are doing. I know it sounds cliche but I really mean it. We live a different kind of life and I wouldn't trade it for anything!


You can find Mary & Dylan here - 

Website: Bohemian Travelers

Facebook: Bohemian Travelers

Twitter: @TravelBohemian

Exit rat race, Enter adventure.

Reader Comments...

"I respond to every comment by direct private email. I look forward to your feedback" -

Thanks so much for sharing our tale! I am happy to answer any questions at all and remember if travel is your dream take steps each day towards it. We are not extraordinary people so if we can do it anyone can:)

Mary Aug 29th, 2013

Great interview

Karin Aug 30th, 2013

"Too many things and not enough experience" - so true, time to declutter life and soul. What a wonderful adventure to bring your family into, these kids are gonna have such a great foundation.

BakoymaTravels Aug 30th, 2013

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