8 Amazing Festivals In Boston That Should Be On The Bucket List For Every Traveller

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If you are a traveler who enjoys outrageous and extravagant festivals as much as the scenic beauty of historical places, then Boston is the city for you. This historic city is known for its beautiful markets, fabulous festivals, and locals filled with enthusiasm. No matter what kind of event might spark your interest, Boston has got it all. So empty your lockers and fill up the storage of your car and rush to attend these magnificent festivals!

1) First Night/Day

This is the kind of New Year's bash that puts even the best ones to shame. The First Night or the First Day is an 11 hour New Year's celebration and has been a tradition for 40 years now. No expense is spared for this annual festival which draws over an estimated one million people every year. The festivities begin with a procession parade down Boylston Street with ice sculptures, a trippy display of lights and cultural performances like music and dancing. Two beautiful firework shows are set to go off at the stroke of midnight bell. The festivities are held till the next day, which is the 1st of January, every year from 11 am to 2 pm. If you had visited Boston just to celebrate New Year then to save your expense you can put all your luggage and baggage at luggage storage in Boston and enjoy the New Year celebrations in Boston without any hesitation.

2) St. Patrick's Day

If you have never been to a St. Patrick's Day festival, then to capture its true essence, you need to visit Boston. Due to a substantial Irish-American population in the city, this festival rejoices immensely, and the city is given an overwhelming Green makeover. When the decorations on the steers meet the eye, it seems as if a locker full of green extravagance has burst open on every noon and carney. Such enthusiasm is endured because the city holds its rightful claim on the oldest St. Patrick's Day parade in it's country's history. The fun and frolic last for several days and every attendant's heart is filled with pride.

3) Boston Wine Festival

The eagerly awaited Boston Wine festival is celebrated annually and hosted at the Boston Harbour Hotel. This festival has always been praised for the most extended amount of time in the nation. The Wine festival features food events, exemplary wooden cellar storage displays and of course the best wine in the country. People get to enjoy lavish dinner parties held at vineyards, lectures and expert seminars on winemaking and even demonstrations by celebrity chefs. You wouldn't want to miss it for the world.

4) The Marathon

The Boston Marathon is one of the world's oldest marathons to be held annually. It was founded in 1897 and held every third Monday of April since which is Patriots Day. The marathon attracts as many as 30,000 participants every year, which has undergone a noticeable rise in the number of spectators also. The event generates an electric stigma in the hearts of people. Part of the race or not, everyone enjoys the Boston Marathon.

5) The Fisherman's Feast

The Fisherman's Feast is an annual event, held in August in honor of Madonna Del Soccorso or the Lady of Help for the fishermen. This female god of the sea was worshiped by fishermen back in the 16th century Sicily to be blessed with a bountiful harvest. This event focuses on the Italian roots of Boston, which are demonstrated vibrantly by putting up glittery lights in the streets of North End. The whole street is filled with Italian food stalls and game stations to make this festival memorable.

6) Boston Holiday Orchestra

Also known as Boston Pop's, The Boston Symphony Orchestra plays a range of light and blissful music during the holiday season to create a harmonious yet laid-back atmosphere. If you wish to be mesmerized by their performance, attend any one of their winter holiday shows held in December at the Boston Symphony Hall. A soothing medley of Christmas songs, instrumentally mastered, are in store for you to get into your holiday spirits.

7) Cambridge Arts River Festival

Held next to the bank of the Charles River in the bright month of June, this euphoric art festival showcases a wide range of music like jazz, indie, rock, and folk combined with activities like theatre performances, dance, and art demonstrations. Many of the on-going events cater to children's entertainment, and thus this festival attracts families. The food stalls serve delicious food, and the bubbles in the air make the day feel like a carnival.

8) Boston Harbor And Chowder Fests

No city in the world celebrates Independence Day like Boston, and you don't believe me? Well imagine this, more than 200 events spread over a course of 4 days (from 2nd to 6th July), over 3 million attendees from all over the world and the biggest Independence Day bash ever! The event teaches activities like reenactments of historical events, harbor cruises, and a sky full of fireworks. One of the significant highlights is the chowder fest. The top eateries of Boston compete against one another to present the audience with the best clam chowder, which is then put to the vote by the locals.

Here we shared some of the best festivals that every traveller must attend at least once in their life. The energy, the enthusiasm, the excitement with which people celebrate festivals is priceless. Visit Boston and experience the beauty of festivals. You can also opt for luggage storage facilities in Boston and put your luggage safely there if you are visiting for just a single day and want to make your trip budget-friendly.

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