5 Best Countries To Work Remotely Around The World

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The world is changing, and it has become more and more popular to work remotely from wherever you want.

The so-called "remote work revolution" has been going on for a while but has exploded after the corona pandemic. After the pandemic hit the world, many people were forced to work from home, were laid off, or lost their jobs. This opened the eyes of many about how vulnerable we are as "ordinary" employees who are dependent on physical attendance at work. In addition, many also noticed all the advantages that remote work provides. See why over 70% of people want to continue with a home office after the pandemic.

The Advantages Of Working Remotely

Working remotely offers advantages that can be very valuable for many. The most significant advantage is personal freedom; having the ability to work from anywhere opens many doors. This means you can live where you want, go on holiday when you want, or be on the move all the time and travel the world simultaneously as you work.

In addition, many such jobs have flexible working hours, which makes it easier to get everyday tasks done. You can easily arrange errands when things are open, and you can have more time with the children. It also becomes easier to spend more time on yourself, for things such as personal development, health, hobbies, or love life.

Many remote jobs require a certain amount of competence within what you are doing, which in turn provides good personal and professional development. Becoming good at something gives a good self-confidence boost but also good income opportunities. You can do almost anything you want in a regular remote job or as a freelancer.

Where In The World Should You Go?

If you already have a remote job and want to move, you have probably wondered which country you should choose to go to. You can always spin the globe and let coincidence decide, but it might be a good idea to check out our list first. This list is determined based on points awarded for various categories such as weather, cost of living, health/safety, etc. 

1. Portugal 

Portugal might sound very appealing to those who have to sit through a long and cold winter with dark days. In addition to being a warm and colorful country, Portugal received top scores for political stability, perfect weather, and a high percentage of English-speaking locals. They also have a separate visa for remote workers, which makes it very easy to move there and stay there for a long time.

2. Spain 

We don't have to go far to get second place on our list. Portugal's neighbor Spain also has the same digital visa scheme for remote workers. There are also very good internet connections in Spain, so there is no need to worry about losing the internet in the middle of a video conference.

3. Romania

This may shock many, but Romania is in third place among the world's best countries to work remotely. Romania is perfect if you are one of those people who can settle down with traditional life in a small village. There are also many nice things to see and experiences, such as beautiful castles, palaces, statues, wildlife, mountains, and forests. However, the best thing about Romania for remote workers is the high-quality internet and very low cost of living. 

4. Mauritius

If you prefer exotic sandy beaches, diving, and warm days, maybe the island of Mauritius is for you. The island is off Madagascar's east coast and has many adventure opportunities. Mauritius received the most points for travel, health/safety, and weather. The category that received the least points was a social life. But if you want to work in a place where you can enjoy exotic beaches, good food, and adventure, Mauritius is right up your alley.

5. Japan

There is a lot of fun to come up with in Japan, which increases the score considerably. The country has a wide selection of cultural destinations, city life, and restaurants. Japan is known for its essential role in the technology industry. Japan is the country on this list with the very best internet connections, and you can find many nice places to work in Japan, such as internet cafes. 

The Importance Of VPN For Remote Workers

Using a VPN is important in all contexts, but working from other countries is even more important. The fastest VPN acts as a protective shield for your online activities. It hides your IP address, encrypts all traffic, and confuses spyware and tracking programs. This means that you have a safe and secure everyday life online, in addition to protecting all sensitive information about you and the company you work for.

You are particularly vulnerable to attacks as an external worker since you will be in many different places. With a VPN, no one can see your location, nor will it be possible to access your devices via public networks, Bluetooth, or other ways.

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