Top Cycling Routes Across Europe

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Cycling a long-distance route is a super fun and adventurous way to explore a new destination.

It is also a rewarding feeling to complete it - a journey filled with personal challenges and growth. If you are someone who enjoys exploring the world on their bike, we have selected some of the best cycling routes across Europe!

The Danube Cycle Path

If you are a seasoned biker, you would have heard of the Donauradweg, or the Danube Cycle Path. It is by far the most popular cycling routes in Europe, following the river of the Danube across three different countries: Germany, Hungary, and Austria. As you cycle your way through, you are surrounded by the scenic beauty of these countries and pass through picturesque towns and even a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

The Camino Francés

The Camino Francés is the most popular walking route for Camino de Santiago walking holidays. However, the same route can also be used for cycling, making it easier to cover a longer distance of this 800 kilometre trek. Doing the Camino on bike is just as rewarding, too, as you stop by various historical sites and villages, as well as meet fellow pilgrims from all over the world. You can also stay in traditional albergues (pilgrim hostels) for a more authentic experience. It is truly the perfect blend of physical and mental relaxation!

The North Sea Cycle Route

For those who enjoy coastal rides, the North Sea Cycle Route is a brilliant choice. This route is also often known as EuroVelo 12, and it is around 6,000 kilometres long. This routes crosses numerous countries, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, England, and Scotland, always following the coast. Of course, you do not need to do the whole route - you can pick a section of it that appeals to you the most. Whether it’s the fjords in Norway or the quaint villages in Scotland.

The Loire Valley

Also known as the “Garden of France”, the Loire Valley is a particularly charming cycling route located in France. It takes you through beautiful nature spots and vineyards, where you can also savour the local wines. This trek is just over 800 kilometres long, which takes roughly a week to complete. However, the route is accessible to cyclists of all levels or even families with children, as it’s not too challenging. 

The Iron Curtain Trail

The Iron Curtain Trail is a journey through history, as it takes you along the former border between Western and Eastern Europe. Although this route stretched over 10,000 kilometres (all the way from Bulgaria to Norway), many cyclists choose a shorter section to complete. The best part about the route is all the diverse landscapes that it takes you through, with the most notable for most cyclists being the mountains in the Czech Republic and the Baltic coast. You will also pass by many historical sites and memorials, where you can stop and learn about the local history and culture. 

Final Word

Europe boasts some of the best cycling routes in the world, from Camino de Santiago to EuroVelo trails. So, you can be sure you will find the perfect trek based on your nature, culture, history, and difficulty levels!

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