No Time For Travel? Make It A Weekender!

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Samantha is extremely lucky to live in London, but she is right. You can be a traveller wherever you are - at home, in your city, in another country. Thanks for the tips, Sam. 

There are several excuses why one cannot travel and having a full time job is just one of them.

I am Samantha and I live in London. I work 50 hours a week and rarely can string more then 2 weeks together for a holiday.

But last year alone I managed at least 12 new destinations by just going away on the weekend. I’d pack my bags Thursday night and take them to work with me on Friday. As soon as the workday was over I was on the Eurostar from London to somewhere new, or on the tube to the airport for my 2 hour flight to anywhere fun (48 hours in Barcelona?).

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Cheap International Travel

Travel doesn’t require a lot of time off or even a lot of money. I receive a Ryanair email in my inbox telling me Ireland is only £20 and I book the flight for a Friday night, returning Sunday night.

Eurostar also have great sales where I can get to Amsterdam for £99 return, so I’ve jumped over there on a weekend.

Email alerts from airlines and travel aggregators are the greatest thing since sliced bread and I have a dedicated email address that I just browse when I have a moment each day.

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A Weekender At Home

Some weekends you just want to stay home. But home might not offer the best relaxation and since travel is always calling my partner and I decide to discover what’s right outside our door.

The Hilton often have great deals that allow us to be weekender getaway-ers. I know at the moment from September to November 2014 they have hotel deals from £35. I am more likely to spend that on my heating at my own place if I stay home. Instead I can check into a beautiful hotel, have a long luxurious bath, enjoy a professionally prepared breakfast and head back to work Monday relaxed from just one weekender.

Going Nowhere

I have some great friends who find it a little harder to head away for a weekend with their kids. But they don’t let it stop them and have spontaneously called a holiday at home.

When Dad gets home from work on Friday evening they put a tent up in the backyard and have a sleepout. Then Saturday and Sunday is filled with holiday activities. They go to museums, theme parks, play at the park, see a movie.

I absolutely love that family and what’s even more fun is when they invite us over for their holiday weekender.

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I’m lucky to live in Europe where going away for the weekend can mean a new country, but I’m sure wherever you are, that if you seek you will find somewhere that is just as appealing for that weekend getaway.

There are only 52 weekends in a year, why not make the next one count!

Samantha has been living alone in London for 5 years before her best friend and partner Paul came along. Inspired by his adventure spirit Sam and Paul never miss an opportunity to travel, including the weekends. 

Reader Comments...

"I respond to every comment by direct private email. I look forward to your feedback" -

Love the sentiment of this post! It's always hard to organize an international weekender being from Australia, but travel within our own backyard is always overlooked and it's a great option for weekends! Traveling within your own country or state is still considered travel and can be just as exciting!

Megan Donoghue Sep 10th, 2014

What a great idea! To be honest I hadn't thought about taking a holiday in my own city! I bet there is heaps of ideas on Trip Advisor and local websites Thanks for the inspiration! Love your blog!

Jen Sep 11th, 2014

You are so right in this article. An amazing thing to do is have time with your kids. Love the tent in the back yard idea too.

Exploramum Sep 11th, 2014

I am always so jealous when i read about all the awesome weekend trips Europeans can have. It is so not the same here on the edge of Australia! Mind you, I still managed to have a weekend trip to Brunei this year and we currently have a weekend trip at least once a month and thats with 2 and 4 year olds so there is no reason most people can't :)

Sharon Sep 11th, 2014

Europe is a great base for exploring countries at the weekend while still holding down a 9-5 job. I did it from two years from London and squeezed in so many great trips!

Bethaney Davies Sep 14th, 2014

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