Northern California’s melting pot: San Francisco

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We adored our first visit to San Francisco and love Mauro's vivid details of the place. We feel right back there. 

Every summer vacation my family and I take a trip to a new and exciting location. We most ofter gravitate towards traveling abroad, but last summer we decided it was time to explore one of the most beautiful cities in our home state California, San Francisco.

Growing up in the city of San Diego, I was always under the impression that all of California was pretty much the same, and so the idea of visiting San Fransisco didn't excite me at first. My younger, brother who was a lot more interested in spending his days off down the street from our house with his girlfriend, didn't fancy the idea of driving eight hours to San Francisco either.

Luckily our generous parents didn't want to turn our vacation into a family road trip, trapped in a car with a complaining teenage boy, a vicious malice poodle, and myself. So they booked us all a flight (including my dog) using one of our most trusted websites, Tripscan. We arrived in San Francisco in no time, and even saved money once we calculated how much gas would have cost to haul us up there by car.

As a cab drove us through the city from the airport to our hotel, I couldn't stop starting out my window. My brother even lifted his head up from his phone a few times. I could automatically feel that San Fransisco was going to be a lot different from other cities I had been to, and believe me I've been to some pretty awesome places.

The city was alive! San Francisco had its own classic style. It was midday and the streets were flooded with people. From business men to dog walkers, everyone seemed to be out and about. 

Ridiculous hills made the simple activity of walking an adventure. All I could think was how did these people manage to park their cars into such slanted garages. It was a skill certainly no San Diegan had.

Golden Gate Bridge

Here are three specific places I suggest visiting in San Francisco.

Big red bridge

The golden gate bridge was mind blowing in person. Definitely worth seeing. Although it is often engulfed in fog, you can both drive and walk across it.

Find your dream home

I pinpointed my dream home on the ever so famous Lombard Street! Lombard Street is famous because of its unique curvy and steepness. Tourist transform into paparazzi here, so feel free to take pictures.

Eat good food

Last stop, down by the coast! Fishermans Wharf, hands down had the best clam chowder ever! If you're not much of a clam chowder fan, and find yourself anywhere in San Francisco, I truly advise you to live a little and try it! San Francisco prides itself on its ability to whip up a delicious clam chowder.

San Francisco is the epitome of a melting pot location, where anyone can have a good time! 

My name is Mina Marjanovic and I am an undergrad student at California State University Chico, studying journalism and public relations. However, I am currently studying abroad in Viterbo, Italy. A small town about an hour south of Rome. Here I am attending classes towards my major as well as interning for ByTech Marketing as a copywriter. I was born in Belgrade, Serbia and was raised in San Diego, California from the age of four until moving away to college. I enjoy traveling and documenting my experiences through photography and creative writing. I hope to one day inspire others to travel and experience cultures different from their own, because I am a true believer in that this is essential to obtaining a fulfilling life. 

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