8 Top Tips When Travelling Abroad with Kids for the First Time

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A great list that we could of written ourselves. Is there any other tips you would recommend to first-timers?

If you have been putting off a holiday abroad since the birth of your children due to fear over all the additional hassle associated with passing through the airport, the possibility of delays and then a long flight where you have to attempt to keep the little ones entertained, you certainly aren’t alone. New parents up and down the UK put holidaying abroad on hold after having children for at least a couple of years, however if you have decided that enough is enough and you want to escape the damp and dull British weather to lap up some sunshine abroad, help is at hand.

Detailed below are eight top tips to help you out when travelling abroad with youngsters for the first time, to hopefully make the process as stress free as possible, ensuring you do get the opportunity to relax and enjoy being away from home;

Tip One: Organising Is Key

In order to travel abroad with little ones in the most hassle and stress free manner possible, being organised is a vital trait to have. Planning in advance is key, so the importance of making sure all passports are up-to-date, using Expedia Canada to book a hotel and ensuring each member of your family have travel insurance ahead of your trip can’t be stressed enough.

Tip Two: Don’t Forget Comfort Items

Being away from home for a prolonged period of time is something a child has probably never experienced before, so it will certainly be a little out of the ordinary for them. It is therefore essential that the comfort items they use or have at home, from a teddy bear through to a favourite blanket, come with you on your holiday to remind them of home and help them settle in your hotel or villa.


Tip Three: Make Airport Travel Light

The last thing you want when chasing little ones around the airport as they enjoy their mad half hour is to be falling over an excessive number of bags that you are taking onboard the aeroplane. Travelling as light as possible through the airport will make controlling the kids that little bit easier, so pack all non-essentials in your suitcase so you are left with a small carry on bag, with nappy changing equipment in if required, and then the pushchair; this will also make it easier for you to have a browse of the airport’s duty free!

Tip Four: Keeping Them Entertained

Any parent will know that most children have a short attention span, so keeping them entertained throughout a two, three or four hour flight may sound like a daunting task. To combat the boredom which in turn has the potential to turn into a tantrum, use their hand luggage to pack toys and activities that will keep them stimulated. Their favourite toys along with colouring books, pens and crayons are great ideas for the plane, also downloading a few apps on your phone for them to play whilst flying should keep them entertained.

Tip Five: Prepare For On-Flight Issues

If you have travelled on a plane before, you’ll recognise the problems associated with your ears popping due to the on board pressure, however for your children this is a completely new experience and can be very frightening. To reduce the risk of ear ache occurring when taking off or landing, make sure your little ones have plenty of water to hand, and if they are a little older, a lollipop or sweet to suck on can take away some of the effects.

Tip Six: Familiarise Yourself With Your Destination

On arrival at your hotel, whilst one of the first things you may want to do is collapse onto the bed or head out into the sunshine, it is important to familiarise yourself with the local area. As you have the kids with you, it is now more important than ever to become aware of the medical facilities on your resort as well as the important numbers to call if your encounter any problems; after doing this, feel free to then collapse or head out on the search for a free sun lounger!


Tip Seven: Make Use Of Kid’s Clubs

If the kids are old enough, make use of any kid’s clubs that are run at the hotel as this will give you and your partner the opportunity to enjoy a bit of time together. Parenting is a full time job so take this opportunity, whilst the kids are playing and being well looked after, to relax and enjoy a mini holiday to yourselves; perhaps heading down to the beach for a paddle in the sea, popping into the local town to browse the shops or simply relaxing by the pool with a cocktail to hand.

Tip Eight: Remember The Medication And Repellents

Kids can be more susceptible to illness and sickness whilst abroad, what with the different climate and food, so you need to remember to pack suitable medication for if this problem arises. Don’t forget the plasters too for the cut knees and elbows from falling over along with insect repellent to reduce the risk of painful and uncomfortable stings and bites from the local insects!

By taking these eight top tips on board, you should be well on the way to enjoying a successful first holiday abroad with the kids that still offers the opportunity for you as parents to relax and for the youngsters to experience just what it’s like to holiday in a foreign land!

This post was written by blogger and family man Oliver Kyle.

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GIL Nov 29th, 2019

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