This has been our 8th visit to Bali. Previously we have spent 3 days, 5 days, 10 days and now - 2 months on this ‘island of the gods’. I like to think we have learnt a thing or two and would love to share a few of these things with you.
6 Things To Do With Kids In Bali
- Waterbom Park - waterslide heaven, fun for young and old (recommended: book discounted tickets online)
- Ubud Cycling Tour - See the sights on a downhill trek, easy work, beautiful views
- Peekaboo - giant indoor playground, plus library, toys, classes
- Bali Bird Park & Reptile Park - great restaurant playground & crocodiles (discounted tickets)
- Bali Safari & Marine Park - get them to hold a tiger (discounted tickets)
- Lollypop Playland - indoor/outdoor playground & water fun
5 Kid-Free Adult Things To Do In Bali
- Bali Quad & Canyon Tubing - ADVENTURE No 1, highly recommend
- Cooking class - watch, prepare and then you eat in a traditional Bali home
- Shop - better without tired kids
- Massage - much more relaxing when not entertaining tired kids
- Nightlife - eat, drink & be merry
4 Things To Remember About Bali Food
- Nasi Goreng = Rice
- Mie Goreng = Noodles
- Always drink filtered water (incl. teeth brushing & ice)
- Durian = Evil
3 Things To Remember When Bartering In Bali
- Start by offering one third of the price offered to you and don’t go over more than half the original offer.
- If you have had enough, walk away, the price will be given to you straight away… If not then you really know it was too cheap.
- If you got a black bag it means you are a hard bargainer. If you got the stripe bag then you are dubbed easy to swindle.
2 Things To Remember At Bali Airport
- Visa is US$35 per person, on arrival for Aussies. This gives you 30 days (updated December 2016).
- To get out of Bali is 200,000RP approx. AUD$18 per person (updated April 2014).
1 Thing Not To Do In Bali
- Bring, distribute, take, or leave with… any type of illegal substance (drugs)! Us Australians know a thing or two about that one. Love this sign in Ubud's Taco Casa.
Reader Comments...
"I respond to every comment by direct private email. I look forward to your feedback" - Josh BenderHow did you know about the black/stripe bag thing? That's really funny! Great post!!! Thanks for sharing :)
Great read xx
You have made one mistake. You should have written...
Durian = Delicious
You Need to update the rate to enter indonesia is now 35 USD not 25 anymore
Balinese foods: lawar. Satay. Babi guling. Ayam betutu. Nasi goreng and mie goreng just an ordinary indonesian foods :) and durian? Is magnificant! \( °♡°)/
hey!! what an amazing blog.......I really want to visit Bali. Can you please suggest me some Bali Tour Packages
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