Found What I Was Missing In Kuala Lumpur: Hairdresser, Cinemas & Kids Gymnastics

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia By

More and more was falling out. The tears in my eyes broke my husband’s heart as I explained how thin my hair was getting and I didn’t know what was happening. He had no choice, he had to send me to 2 hours of special hair treatment...

There are three things I really enjoyed doing in Australia:

  • One was all about me, getting my hair done. Having great looking hair really helped me take better care of myself and feel great.
  • Two was all about us, my husband and I. We loved a good movie and date night was often dinner and a movie. When we dated we must have gone nearly every week, changed when kid’s came, but it’s an activity we still absolutely enjoy.
  • Three was all about all of us, the kids, hubby and I. Caius was in Gymbaroo and it was just an activity him and I did together. It was great bonding and I think I loved it more then him. Mia attended gymnastics, it was a great time for her to socialize, exercise and learn. I loved watching her and just admiring how quickly she learned, feeling that swelling pride.

Hairkunst - 2 hour hair treatment bliss

I rang my sister who is a hairdresser in Australia and on her advice decided to seek out a hairdresser as soon as possible. Hair loss is often attributed to bad diet, change of weather, etc. all of which, of course I had been experiencing considering our two month stay in Bali consisted mostly of Nasi Goreng & hot, hot weather.

Straight away I started my mission to eat protein and veggies at lunch & dinner. Then I made my way to The Curve to find a hairdresser to give my hair some serious TLC.

My first stop was Peekaboo. The receptionist got me a menu and showed me two treatments I could have. I said thanks and moved on. Next was Hairkunst. A little difficult to find I finally found it on level 2. Straight away the receptionist asked me to wait for a second, then a “director” came over. She asked me to sit down and what was wrong. She looked over my hair and told me what she would like to do to it and what it was going to solve. I was so impressed I told her to do it.

So started my 2-hour treatment. They first used a small roll on over my head. When they finish they check the colour to diagnose the hair. Yellow liquid means dandruff, dry scalp, etc. Luckily mine was not too bad, in fact she said my hair was very healthy. After further methods of diagnosing it turned out my hair was breaking. All the blonde dying was finally getting to my hair and the chlorine and beach swimming lifestyle was not helping it. I needed zinc and protein to make my hair stronger.

You can not imagine the relief I felt since I thought I was losing all my hair and now when I feel my hair I realize that it is not thin on top, it’s still as thick and full as normal, it simply is very thin at the bottom, where it is breaking. It still makes me sad when I feel the back of my hair. I am so use to having such thick hair, it’s quite a shock, but after my hair appointment it feels amazing and so much more full again. 


During the treatment I had various new Japanese technologies. It was hydro punched. Yes, it is a little painful. Basically it’s like a hose of water shooting out close to your scalp. Your scalp has been opened under hot steam and so the water goes straight under the pores to clean them out. It’s a quick stabbing pain, more uncomfortable then pain actually. After that they also massaged my head with infrared lasers. This did not hurt, it was a gentle humming vibrating over my scalp, which closed all the clean pores back up.

I must have had my hair washed and conditioned 4 or 5 times, each time with a luxurious head massage. 

Finally the “director” (17 years in the industry) asked if she could cut off all the dead hair. Three inches in hairdresser talk is quite a lot, and I still even now reach around to my hair and wonder where it all went, but it had to be done. It’s thicker, fuller and so healthy, practically glowing, don’t you agree?

The 2 hours went so fast, specially since free wifi is provided. I felt thoroughly pampered, and even socialised. The lady was an absolute delight and we talked consistently. The price for 2 hours of luxury was 350RM, approx $110. They used amazing new technology and the finest products. The price is subject to who does your hair, i.e. a senior is cheaper than a director. It's also subject to whether you want a diagnosis or just the treatment. She had plenty of suggestions on how to help my hair and what to do with it now that I am travelling. I cannot wait to go back! 

KL has cinemas... Loads of cinemas!

Josh & I are real movie lovers. In Bali we never went to the cinema and it was a long 2 months. Our first week in Kuala Lumpur we were so very excited about the cinema we went 3 times! Back home the cheapest ticket is $10 if you have a bought discount card. In Kuala Lumpur the tickets are roughly $2-$3, our whole family 4 people cost less than $10! We took the kids to see Brave, a delightful new princess movie with a real fireball princess and also Madagascar 3 – very funny. Oh and what a shock we had when the popcorn came out sweet…. I am not a fan; give me butter popcorn any time.


Platinum Lounge at e@Curve

The last movie we saw was while the children were at school. Josh and I hit the Platinum Theatre. Back home these tickets were minimum $33. Not in KL - $12 a pop. The room held roughly 24 seats. The seats were big and plush and stretched out to a laying down position. You can hire a blanket and pillow for $1.50, which is worth it as it is freezing in there. The food is also cheap and we spent maybe $15 on 4 different meals. The food was not all that, it was hotdogs, meatballs and chicken wings, all quite fatty, and not at all “gold class”, but it was still cheap. The Amazing Spiderman suddenly got so much more amazing when seated/lying next to the love of my life on our first date in ages.

While in Kuala Lumpur we plan on going to many more movies and so thankful it’s movie season in the states, there is lots of great movies to that the kid’s too. Hoping for Ice Age 4 this week. I have looked at perhaps trying Suria's cinema near the giant KLCC playland. The session times for Thursday are: 11:3012:3013:3014:3015:3016:3017:3018:3019:3020:3021:3022:3023:30, haha! First of all, in Perth, Australia our last movie finishes about 9:30pm and there is never this many sessions. Second of all, who takes their kids to a movie at anytime after 7:30pm at night??  Love Malaysia!

Free trial at Fly-Kidz Gymnastics

Back in Australia my daughter had just started gymnastics and was really flourishing in that class. As soon as we got to KL we knew we had to find somewhere she could join and attend even for a month.

Straight away Fly Kidz got my attention, not just because they were close, but they offer a free trial. We chose a Saturday class where Caius could attend a tot’s class at 9am and Mia could attend a beginner class at 10am.


The place was difficult to find, but after a phonecall we finally found them upstairs, outside Sunway Giza shopping mall. The room was so attractive and much better then the one Mia had attended in Perth. The equipment was bright, cheerful and well maintained. They had a waiting area for parents with toys for siblings.

Caius’ class involved parents so Caius and I had a ball jumping and rolling, playing instruments and doing stretches. He did so much and loved every minute of it. Back home his Gymbaroo class was a constant battle, but he listened to everything the teacher said and I can’t wait to take him again.

After his turn Mia went in without parenting help. But I stayed to watch. She did handstands and other things I am not even sure of, but she had so much fun she told me she wants to go again and again. 

What a great thing to take your kids to, even if its just for the trial class, but we will be heading back every Saturday for the kids to stretch, exercise and socialize with some lovely children and great teachers. 

Reader Comments...

"I respond to every comment by direct private email. I look forward to your feedback" -

Hey Lisa, we are from Perth and I am hearing you. I would never have considered that kind of treatment in Australia. KL is a great spot to visit with the family and highly recommended. So glad you're reading! :)

Erin Jul 13th, 2012

Wow. I need something like that for my hair. After months of sun and swimming it's quite fried. I wish I'd known about this in KL!!!!

If you're looking for a good hairdresser in Bangkok, I got a really good bleach and tone at Sugar Salon.

Bethaney - Flashpacker Family Jul 18th, 2012

OH my gosh! We so live in the wrong country. In Australia -2 hours hair treatment....maybe twice as much.
To see a movie - about $18,00 per ticket !!
Food for our family - $50.00 for lunch for our four boys and two adults - dinner $150,00 !!
and that kids gym.....I want to try it.
Yep travelling in Australia is NOT cheap. I think a trip to Kuala Lumpur sounds so nice.

Lisa Wood Jun 17th, 2014

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